Reach out to Misti with any questions about our Adult Ministry
Bible Studies
Adult Ministry Calendar

sUNDAY school

First Broad Street has a thriving Sunday School discipleship program, which includes classes and groups for all ages. In Sunday School, adults will engage in biblical and theological study, fellowship, and life sharing. This is one of the easiest and best ways for you to get plugged in to our church community.
Builders Class - L34
Center Class - L30
Foundations - L36
Crosswalk - 143
Discoverers - L12
Inquirers - L06
J.O.Y. - L33
New Fidelis - L38
Pairs and Spares - Chapel
Parables - L40
Sojourners - L45
Logos - Room L36
Teammates - Room L44
Trinity - L37
Wesley - Parlor
Parlor Class – 143
More Info

Wednesday Nights

This fall we will come back together on Wednesday evenings with a meal and opportunities for discipleship in our journey with God. One of these opportunities is a brand-new Chapel Talk series by our pastors and lay speakers. Parenting small groups will also be available with the goal of having time to grow alongside other parents as their children and youth attend their Wednesday night programs. Several small groups and Bible studies will resume meeting as well as musical ensemble practice. Special Wednesdays are set aside for Main Stage events where we invite the whole church to come together to celebrate and fellowship such as for our First Broad Street Has Talent Staff Talent Show.

Discipleship Opportunites

- Chapel Talk - New series offered by the pastors and lay speakers in the chapel on various topics from the theology of hymns to Biblical archaeology
.- Parenting Small Groups - aimed at parents and guardians who seek discipleship growth in a small group setting with parents of similarly aged children.-
LifeGroups - small groups built around the importance of soul care, accountability, and supporting one another.
- Bible Studies - jump into the Bible with likeminded seekers of wisdom.
- Musical Ensembles - contact Trevor Smith for choir or bells, Gay Aycock for orchestra, or Christ Mcreary for Encounter Worship Band.
- Nursery - infant-3
- LAMBS - 3-prek
- Kids Jam - K-5th
- AMP - 6th-12th grades
- High School - 9-12th grades

For more information about Wednesday Night Revive, please contact Rev. Misti McCreary at

Wednesday Night Revive Dinner (5:30 pm)

Wednesday Night Revive is an opportunity to participate in the life of First BroadStreet on most Wednesday nights from January to May and August to December. You are invited to revive your spirits as you gather around the table, enjoy a delicious meal, and fellowship with your church family. Following the dinner, adults may participate in a variety of activities, including Chapel Talks (in-depth studies of topics of interest), small group Bible studies, parenting discussions, and orchestra and choir practices. Children and youth activities also are a vital and vibrant part of Wednesday Night Revive. Several times a year, Main Stage Events are planned. On those nights, you will enjoy special entertainment, such as the ETSU Bluegrass Band, First Broad Street’s Got Talent Staff Talent Show, the annual children’s Christmas presentation, or a night of music and song featuring our church orchestra and choirs. We are hoping you will make Wednesday Night Revive a part of your church life. Reservations for dinner are required and may be made by calling 224-1502 by noon on the Tuesday preceding Wednesday Night Revive.

Bible Studies

Every fall and spring we offer classes and Bible studies that seek to meet the needs of our congregation and community. You will find a wide range of Bible studies. Call 423-224-1502 to register or 432-224-1517 for more information.

Nursery is available for all general meetings and circle meetings.  Reservations are required at least one week prior to the meeting by calling Beulah Napier (378-3566) and giving the number of children and their ages.

Sunday Afternoon Study

4:00-5:30pm in room 143 led by Gay Aycock on The Story: New Testament by Randy Frazee. Email to register. Begins September 12. Newcomers welcome!

Sunday LifeLight Bible Study

4:00 pm in L44 led by Dr. Randy Frye. Begins Aug 14th on a study of the book of Acts. Contact the main office to register.

Monday Morning Prayer & Bible Study

Tuesdays from 9:00-10:15 in the parlor & on Zoom. Never Alone by Tiffany Bluhm. Led by Joy Eastridge, Joyce Brogden, & Terry White

Concepts of Hebrews, Galatians, Ephesians, & Romans

Tuesdays at 9:00 am & also at 6:30 in L44 led by Rev. Richard McKee. Zoom also available. For more information, please call 423-534-4593 or email

Pat Davis Bible Study

Tuesdays at 6:00-7:00pm in L39 led by Sheryl Edwards.

Morning Glory Women’s Bible Study

Tuesdays from 9:00-10:15 in the parlor & on Zoom. Never Alone by Tiffany Bluhm. Led by Joy Eastridge, Joyce Brogden, & Terry White

Redeeming Conflict by Ann Garrido

Wednesdays at 6:15-7:15pm in 143 led by Joy Eastridge beginning August 30. Registration requested.

Grit & Grace Women’s Bible Study

Wednesdays at 10:00-11:30am beginning September 7 on
The Power of God's Name by Tony Evans, led by Gigi Boggan in L06

Men of the Bible

Wednesdays at 6:15-7:15pm or 7:15-8:15 in Room L06 led by Dr. Randy Frye
on the book of Acts. Men of all ages are welcome regardless of experience in scripture studies. Starts Aug 10th.

Thursday Morning Zoom Bible Study

8:45-10:00am using Zoom. Never Alone by Tiffany Bluhm led by Linda Brown & Margie Nichols.

(Tolson) Ladies Bible Study

Thursdays at 9:30-11:30am in L06. Studying First Peter: A Living Hope in Christ by Jen Wilkins

United Women in Faith

Holston Conference United Women in Faith:

More information about the UWF at FBS and Circle Meetings:

Who we are- The UWF has been in mission to women, children and youth across the world for more than 174 years. The entire program and organization of United Women in Faith focuses on mission.  Here at First Broad Street we have approximately 120 members who support a budget of $14,425.  Besides our portion which goes to our district, conference and national budgets, we contribute to Holston Home for Children, Camp Bays Mountain, and Reedy Pointe Ministries.  We provide a lunch for our staff, and give a “gift to missions” to honor our high school seniors and college graduates.  UWF encourages reading through the purchase of books for the reading program. Each month one of our 4 circles provides dessert items for Safe House and Oasis. We have two special offerings in addition to our annual budget each year – Prayer & Self Denial in March and World Thank in November.  These offerings go to national in support of some of the many worldwide programs of United Women in Faith.

We encourage all women to become a member of one of our circles and  be part of this long-standing example of being a disciple of Jesus.


These ministries are for adults between the ages of 55 and 105.  As Baby Boomers retire, there will be an increasing number of senior adults in the United States.  The Senior Adult Ministries are designed to challenge and nurture this age group through a variety of intentional offerings, by, with, and for senior adults to help them “Love God, Grow Together, and Reach Out.”

If you would like more information about any other ministries listed below or find out how you can get involved please contact Misti McCreary at

Senior Adult Fellowship

An entertaining program followed by lunch that meets the third Tuesday of each month.

Over 70 Luncheon

This special annual event takes place on the third Tuesday in October and is designed to celebrate and appreciate FBS’s members who are 70 years of age and older.  A program of entertainment or inspiration plus a delicious meal are “gifted” to the honored guests.

Senior Adult Council

This is the governing body of all the Senior Ministries and it meets as needed for planning and evaluation.

Live Wires

This is a teleconferencing Church School Class for those of our membership who are no longer able to attend Church or Sunday School.  By dialing a toll-free telephone number, all participants are connected by phone and are able to interact with the teacher and other class members.  These sessions occur every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.

We'd Love to Hear from you!

JOhn Rowe